Category: solutions

Top 7 Mistakes to Avoid when Harvesting Rain Water

  1. To expensive, don’t worry about it. Cost effective solutions are available. Start somewhere.
  2. fish, lids or screening to keep bugs away from your water
  3. Don’t overly choke your flow.
  4. Reuse old pools, hot tubs, or other methods to create more storage.
  5. Don’t ignore the power of natural elevations
  6. Don’t allow algae to overcome your water, black painted rain barrels won’t allow photosynthesis.

7. Don’t neglect harvesting rain water.

This information was all acquired from the following video.

The biggest mistake you can make when harvesting rain water is to not try at all. Rain water is a fantastic resource for your home and garden.

Even if you make a lot of mistakes, if you are learning and working towards your goals, your on the right path.

If you have any other tips or guides for harvesting rain water, please do share at the comments below.

Thank you,

and have a wonderful day



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Categories: DIY Opportunities solutions Water

Bringing Clean Water to the World on a Budget

Greetings patrons of this Clean Water Imitative blog.

Today we are continuing our efforts at examining how to most cost effectively bring clean water to as many people as possible. With requests and regular correspondence to a few friends in Kenya and Nigeria among other wonderful nations, the demand for aid is what sometimes feels like endless. With this in mind and with a concern about the security of funding international programs, including the financial demand beyond our current reach, we have looked at other ways to help as broadly as possible.

With this in mind, let’s learn how to make our very own cost effective filters. Using this first video, we can see that using activated charcoal, or activated bio carbons is essentially all we will need to assure we have much cleaner drinking water. In my mind using this method will improve tap water in most if not all major cities around the world.

In the video above we find a simple effective method to keep your drinking water clean, All we need is:

A cutting tool

A drilling tool

A bottle or container

Activated charcoal or activated bio carbons.

Cheese cloth or screen, gauze

Step 1

Rinse the activated charcoal until it runs clear.

Step 2

Cut the bottom off the bottle

Step 3

Make the screen and drill holes in the cap.

Step 4

Put the cap back on and fill the container with the activated charcoal or activated bio carbons.

Step 5

Lastly we need to make a diffuser to distribute the water through the filter more evenly, Optionally you can also use a coffee filter, and you also want to make sure to clean the diffuser and the cap as determined necessary based on usage.

Now let’s look at how to make activated charcoal?

Now that you know how to make activated charcoal, you can sell it, or you can make these filter systems to sell. What a gift to the community this can be.Don’t forget to consider trade as a method of payment from those less financially successful than yourself.

However you maybe looking to build a more permanent filter for a larger volume of use, like at a school perhaps? Check out the video below. By making more layers to the filter, we can help filter the water more.

Ideally unlike in the video above, we rinse our carbon and other filter layers before use.

Check back on the 12th when I publish a blog talking about mistakes to avoid when harvesting rain water.

Thank you for checking out this blog post on Bringing Clean Water to the World on a Budget.

As always it was a pleasure and please share this to anyone who may find it interesting or useful.

Additional options and ideas


Categories: DIY Opportunities solutions Water

A 10 year permit to take water was granted for use in the Teedon gravel pit

It’s February 2nd 2021 and it has recently come to my attention that a Gravel Pit has further been given a permit to extract, utilise and move into close proximity of the Tiny Township water table. This water is the freshest water on the planet, so the idea that anyone would want to compromise the water for gravel or money, is hard to understand.

Here is more from Erin Archer a local water protector.

“On January 14th 2021, a 10 year permit to take water was granted for use in the Teedon gravel pit in Tiny Township, Ontario. We are asking you to take action against this.

The Teedon pit seeks to take water from the adjacent aquifer that is thought to have the purest water in the world! It is no surprise that local residents are concerned for their drinking water as approximately 80% of local residents rely on private wells from this aquifer for their drinking water.

Before 2018 when the Teedon pit’s last PTTW expired, studies showed that the removal of the protective layers on the aquifer were disrupted to the quality of the water and lead to both quality and quantity concerns for residents drinking water. You can learn more in this article, or by visiting their website.

Yet again we see our government granting corporate water takers permits to take water at the expense of the wellbeing of residents, the environment and of course, water.

Stand up with Tiny Township and elevate the message of the local council “we are fundamentally opposed to the extraction and washing of aggregate in environmentally sensitive areas” by submitting your comments to the Environmental Registry of Ontario

Let’s revoke this Permit to Take Water immediately!”

In Response

In response I looked around for information and emailed everyone I could about my concerns, my hope is this inspires others to get involved in the conversation and help protect the world’s most precious asset.

Well spoken by Coun. Tony Mintoff as can be found in a recent article by The Star publication on this topic.

“I think we’ve been advised by our staff that the permit addresses the township’s request for additional wells and has a robust monitoring program,” he said. “My problem is that perhaps by the time it identifies the problem, the harm is already done. If we’re going to spend any money, we should spend it to load our gun and prepare ourselves for the appeal, rather than taking on the responsibility of monitoring when somebody else is causing the problem.”

What did I do?

I emailed as many as I could find off hand. Including;

What I said was as followed;

“Hello my name is Joseph McDonald, I am a consultant, philosopher and philanthropist who has every intention of helping people realise the value of clean water.

As mentioned on my website for my clean water initiative as supported by Doctor Emoto’s work Water feels and is altered by thoughts and emotions in addition to the traditionally understood physics taught to children in school.

Since in Elmvale we have the freshest water on the planet, why would we risk comprising the best most valuable class of the most valuable asset on the planet. I ask for you to help support me in reducing or eliminating any potential contamination to the best water on the planet. This includes from any gravel pit contract extension put in place in the recent past. It’s not worth the risk.

I will admit I don’t know the industry of gravel extraction, but I am fairly certain it is a lot easier to find another place than to fix a damaged aqua filter.

Thank you,



Love and blessings,

416-998-5037 –

Here is some more valuable reading on the matter.

In Conclusion

The world of environmental protections for nature’s key resources is a wait until it’s to late philosophy, if you understand the nature of water than you should understand the importance of why we need to protect clean water. If you can spend any money, time, energy or interest in helping protect this planets most precious resource, please do! If we sit back and do nothing, we may lose our status as the world’s freshest water on the planet. What could be more valuable than clean fresh water?

Thank you for your time and considerations.

Much love and many blessings as always.



Building a Well!

In the event you don’t live near a fresh water spring or have the ability to get water from the spring to your home, the next best thing is to get a well! Safer then relying on tap water or infrastructure build by someone else, is to do it yourself. So how difficult can it be to get your own water straight from the ground? Apparently easier than we thought.

Step one and probably the most important step, is to check the local water table. Some regions have water right under the surface of the ground and some areas don’t have water anywhere near the ground level. Discovering this is the most important first step.

Below you will find a few guides that can really show you what digging a well is all about.

Let’s start with a handy man who did an excellent job for under $500 dollars plus time and effort.

Below is a picture and description based guide you can follow talking about the same process.

& below is another more amateur attempt at hand digging a well. It’s pretty fun too

Looking to build your own well using a kit?

This site has some pretty awesome kit based solutions, it’s also a good resource to build your own from their items list.

All of this is built off a system of pressurising the water which forces it up against gravity.

Find similar resources of information here from my original website. Great information to have in case of an emergency.

Thank you for your time and interest, and many blessings in securing your very own clean water. Remember to test your water and forecast obstacles.


The Need for Clean Water solutions in Canada

dirty water, first nations crisis, concerns, care, fellow citizens, Canada, natures most precious commodity. Shameful federal budget. ,

Upon reading many articles about the crisis and need for clean water in communities all over the country, here is some quotes to truly help illustrate what I have learned.

In an article titled Safe Water for First Nations,

“174 advisories In May 2018, there were 174 drinking water advisories in over 100 First Nations.” from the source

In an article about how students and teachers can take action for clean water in first nations, with a quote from a grandmother.

”  “it feels like a struggle every day of existence.” [60-year-old Mohawk grandmother and traditional medicine keeper Sandra Diabo ] ”

Now when I hear this quote I think two things, first thing, no one should feel like that, especially not a 60 year old grandmother, second thing, I have felt that way in the past too. So I can relate to the suffering and need for change, we need to do better for grandma is what my heart tells me, hopefully your heart feels the same. That article can be found here

Here we have a massive report labelled as Make it Safe, Canada’s Obligation to End the First Nations Water Crisis.

So I don’t know about you, but Canadian’s are Canadians. Just because the first nations have been a victim of genocide, does not mean we can further tolerate the Canadian Governments corrupt and criminal actions towards our fellow Canadians.

So what am I planning to do about it, well, honestly, I don’t know yet. I contacted the council of Canadians encase they wanted to work with me to facilitate a course of action to resolve these challenges.

However after waiting a few days, I am not sure if they have the personal to get back to me or assist.

So I have to assume right now I am among a minority of Canadians with care, concern and the intention to make a difference.

So I have collected a list of well diggers, find the excel file below,

Among other organisations of the people actually able to assure the work that needs to be done, my main focus right now is bringing awareness to the need and my intention to help.

I have more research to do, one bit to see what people can do with man power and limited resources, as I have seen well digging done by hand, and also to discover who is working on this, and would I be better to align with someone else or just go straight at the problem myself.

We are so privileged to have the Elmvale spring just around the corner with the freshest clean water on the planet, other Canadians are not so privileged. So it is our duty to help them find viable long term solutions to their needs as well.

Here you can find a petition to continue resisting any negative impact that may occur by the development of dumps in the area about the Elmvale aquafilter.

Important in this is that I don’t want anyone to rely on anyone else, as much as this is a human right in my mind, everyone also has the right to the opportunity to step up and do more. Finding the balance here is important.

Thank you, and god bless!