1. To expensive, don’t worry about it. Cost effective solutions are available. Start somewhere.
  2. fish, lids or screening to keep bugs away from your water
  3. Don’t overly choke your flow.
  4. Reuse old pools, hot tubs, or other methods to create more storage.
  5. Don’t ignore the power of natural elevations
  6. Don’t allow algae to overcome your water, black painted rain barrels won’t allow photosynthesis.

7. Don’t neglect harvesting rain water.

This information was all acquired from the following video.

The biggest mistake you can make when harvesting rain water is to not try at all. Rain water is a fantastic resource for your home and garden.

Even if you make a lot of mistakes, if you are learning and working towards your goals, your on the right path.

If you have any other tips or guides for harvesting rain water, please do share at the comments below.

Thank you,

and have a wonderful day

